bag 2 – claimed


I have a giant pile of bags in my room. I guess it’s David’s room, too. So he’s upstairs and I said “bring down a bag for the giveaway, please” and he comes down with THIS. This is one of those bags that I put into the pile to be sacrificial but honestly I thought “I certainly must have more than forty bags in this pile, so there are a couple I won’t have to give up. Hee hee hee!” and THIS was one of those bags. So God must have whispered “Get the gray one with the super soft leather and cool hardware that she really likes – yeah, that’s the one.”

It’s by Reiss and it’s lovely. It has a buckle on each side to convert it from purse to tote. I got it at Clothes Mentor which if you didn’t know, is filled with really really great bags that are affordable. If you like high end designer bags check them out. I don’t play with the stuff they have to lock down in a resale store. Y’all can have Michael Kors.

Email with bag 2 if you like this one. Bag 1 is still up for grabs.

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